Aesop Fable – The Fox And The Lion
Childrens Story – The Fox And The Lion A Fox who had never yet seen a Lion, when he fell in with him by a certain chance for the first time in the forest, was so frightened that he was near dying with fear. On his meeting with him for the second time, he was […]
Aesop Fable – The Lion And The Mouse
Childrens Story – The Lion And The Mouse A Lion was awakened from sleep by a Mouse running over his face. Rising up in anger, he caught him and was about to kill him, when the Mouse piteously entreated, saying: “If you would only spare my life, I would be sure to repay your kindness.” […]
Aesop Fable – The Two Frogs
Childrens Story – The Two Frogs Two frogs dwelt in the same pool. The pool being dried up under the summer’s heat, they left it and set out together for another home. As they went along they chanced to pass a deep well, amply supplied with water, on seeing which, one of the Frogs said […]
Aesop Fable – The Fox And The Goat
Childrens Story – The Fox And The Goat A Fox, having fallen into a well, could find no means of escape. A Goat, overcome with thirst, came to the well, and, seeing the Fox, inquired if the water was good. The Fox, concealing his sad plight under a merry guise, indulged in lavish praise of […]
Aesop Fable – The Horse And The Loaded Ass
Childrens Story – The Horse And The Loaded Ass An idle Horse, and an Ass laboring under a heavy burden, were traveling the road together. The Ass, ready to faint under his heavy load, entreated the Horse to assist him, and lighten his burden, by taking some of it upon his back. The Horse was […]
Aesop Fable – The Lion And The Ass
Childrens Story – The Lion And The Ass A Lion and an Ass made an agreement to go out hunting together. By-and-by they came to a cave, where wild goats abode. The Lion took up his station at the mouth of the cave, and the Ass, going within, kicked and brayed, and made a mighty […]
Aesop Fable – The Dog Whose Ears Were Cropped
Childrens Story – The Dog Whose Ears Were Cropped A Dog complained of the cruelty of her master in cutting off her ears, and was so ashamed of her appearance that she resolved to stay in her kennel with her family. A friendly hunting dog said to her: “If you had been peaceful, and not […]
Aesop Fable – The Man And The Satyr
Childrens Story – The Man And The Satyr A Man and a Satyr once formed a bond of alliance. One very cold wintry day, as they talked together, the Man put his fingers to his mouth and blew on them. On the Satyr inquiring the reason, he told him that he did it to warm […]
Aesop Fable – The Rat And The Elephant
Childrens Story – The Rat And The Elephant A Rat, traveling on the highway, met a huge elephant, bearing his royal master and his suite, and also his favorite cat and dog, and parrot and monkey. The great beast and his attendants were followed by an admiring crowd, taking up all of the road. “What […]
Aesop Fable – The Laborer And The Snake
Childrens Story – The Laborer And The Snake A Snake, having made his hole close to the porch of a cottage, inflicted a severe bite on the Cottager’s infant son, of which he died, to the great grief of his parents. The father resolved to kill the Snake, and the next day, on its coming […]