Aesop Fable – The Ass And His Driver
Childrens Story – The Ass And His Driver An Ass, being driven along the high road, suddenly started off, and bolted to the brink of a deep precipice. When he was in the act of throwing himself over, his owner, seizing him by the tail, endeavored to pull him back. The Ass persisting in his […]
Aesop Fable – The Cat And The Mice
Childrens Story – The Cat And The Mice A certain house was overrun with Mice. A Cat, discovering this, made her way into it, and began to catch and eat them one by one. The Mice, being continually devoured, kept themselves close in their holes. The Cat, no longer able to get at them, perceived […]
Aesop Fable – The Stag In The Ox-stall
Childrens Story – The Stag In The Ox-stall A Stag, hardly pressed by the hounds, and blind through fear to the danger he was running into, took shelter in a farm-yard, and hid himself in a shed among the oxen. An Ox gave him this kindly warning: “O unhappy creature! why should you thus, of […]
Aesop Fable – The Mule
Childrens Story – The Mule A Mule, frolicsome from want of work and from overmuch corn, galloped about in a very extravagant manner, and said to himself: “My father surely was a high-mettled racer, and I am his own child in speed and spirit.” On the next day, being driven a long journey, and feeling […]
Aesop Fable – The Fir Tree And The Bramble
Childrens Story – The Fir Tree And The Bramble A Fir Tree said boastingly to the Bramble: “You are useful for nothing at all, while I am everywhere used for roofs and houses.” The Bramble made answer: “You poor creature, if you would only call to mind the axes and saws which are about to […]
Aesop Fable – The Gnat And The Lion
Childrens Story – The Gnat And The Lion A Gnat came and said to a Lion: “I do not the least fear you, nor are you stronger than I am. For in what does your strength consist? You can scratch with your claws, and bite with your teeth-so can a woman in her quarrels. I […]
Aesop Fable – The Charcoal-burner And The Fuller
Childrens Story – The Charcoal-burner And The Fuller A Charcoal-burner carried on his trade in his own house. One day he met a friend, a Fuller, and entreated him to come and live with him, saying that they should be far better neighbors, and that their housekeeping expenses would be lessened. The Fuller replied: “The […]
Aesop Fable – The Two Soldiers And The Robber
Childrens Story – The Two Soldiers And The Robber Two Soldiers, traveling together, were set upon by a Robber. The one fled away; the other stood his ground, and defended himself with his stout right hand. The Robber being slain, the timid companion runs up and draws his sword, and then, throwing back his traveling […]
Aesop Fable – The Buffoon And The Countryman
Childrens Story – The Buffoon And The Countryman A rich nobleman once opened the theater to the public without charge, and gave notice that he would handsomely reward any one who would produce a new amusement. A Buffoon, well known for his jokes, said that he had a kind of entertainment that had never been […]
Aesop Fable – The Horse And The Groom
Childrens Story – The Horse And The Groom A Groom used to spend whole days in currycombing and rubbing down his Horse, but at the same time stole his oats, and sold them for his own profit. “Alas!” said the Horse, “if you really wish me to be in good condition, you should groom me […]