Aesop Fable – The Thrush And The Swallow
Childrens Story – The Thrush And The Swallow A young Thrush, who lived in an orchard once became acquainted with a Swallow. A friendship sprang up between them; and the Swallow, after skimming the orchard and the neighboring meadow, would every now and then come and visit the Thrush. The Thrush, hopping from branch to […]
Aesop Fable – The Lion And The Gnat
Childrens Story – The Lion And The Gnat As a Gnat was buzzing around a Lion, the Lion said to him: “How dare you approach so near? Be off, or I will kill you with the least stroke of my paw.” The Gnat, knowing the advantage of his small size, and his alertness, immediately challenged […]
Aesop Fable – The Milkmaid And Her Pot Of Milk
Childrens Story – The Milkmaid And Her Pot Of Milk A Maid was carrying her pail of milk to the farm-house, when she fell a-musing. “The money for which this milk will be sold will buy at least three hundred eggs. The eggs, allowing for all mishaps, will produce two hundred and fifty chickens. The […]
Aesop Fable – The Sea-gull And The Kite
Childrens Story – The Sea-gull And The Kite A Sea-gull, who was more at home swimming on the sea than walking on the land, was in the habit of catching live fish for its food. One day, having bolted down too large a fish, it burst its deep gullet-bag, and lay down on the shore […]
Aesop Fable – The Geese And The Cranes
Childrens Story – The Geese And The Cranes The Geese and the Cranes fed in the same meadow. A bird-catcher came to ensnare them in his nets. The Cranes, being light of wing, fled away at his approach; while the Geese, being slower of flight and heavier in their bodies, were captured. Those who are […]
Aesop Fable – The Lamb And The Wolf
Childrens Story – The Lamb And The Wolf A Wolf pursued a Lamb, which fled for refuge to a certain temple. The Wolf called out to him and said: “The priest will slay you in sacrifice, if he should catch you;” on which the Lamb replied: “It would be better for me to be sacrificed […]
Aesop Fable – The Fox And The Stork
Childrens Story – The Fox And The Stork The Fox invited the Stork to dinner, and provided nothing but a soup, in a wide, shallow dish. This he could lap up with ease; but the Stork, who could but just dip in the point of his bill, was not a bit better. A few days […]
Aesop Fable – The Hare Afraid Of His Ears
Childrens Story – The Hare Afraid Of His Ears The Lion, being badly hurt by the horns of a goat, swore in a great rage that every animal with horns should be banished from his kingdom. A silly Hare, seeing the shadow of his ears, was in great fear lest they should be taken for […]
Aesop Fable – The Camel And The Travelers
Childrens Story – The Camel And The Travelers Two Travelers on a desert saw a Camel in the distance, and were greatly frightened at his huge appearance, thinking it to be some huge monster. While they hid behind some low shrubs, the animal came nearer, and they discovered that it was only a harmless Camel […]
Aesop Fable – The Dog And The Oyster
Childrens Story – The Dog And The Oyster A Dog, used to eating eggs, saw an Oyster, and opening his mouth to its widest extent, swallowed it down with the utmost relish, supposing it to be an egg. Soon afterwards suffering great pain in his stomach, he said: “I deserve all this torment, for my […]