Aesop Fable – The Sick Kite
Childrens Story – The Sick Kite A Kite, sick unto death, said to his mother: “O Mother! do not mourn, but at once invoke the gods that my life may be prolonged.” She replied: “Alas! my son, which of the gods do you think will pity you? Is there one whom you have not outraged […]
Aesop Fable – The Dog Invited To Supper
Childrens Story – The Dog Invited To Supper A Gentleman, having prepared a great feast, invited a Friend to supper; and the Gentleman’s Dog, meeting the Friend’s Dog, “Come,” said he, “my good fellow, and sup with us to-night.” The Dog was delighted with the invitation, and as he stood by and saw the preparations […]
Aesop Fable – The Porcupine And The Snakes
Childrens Story – The Porcupine And The Snakes A Porcupine, wanting to shelter himself, desired a nest of Snakes to give him admittance into their cave. They were prevailed upon, and let him in accordingly; but were so annoyed with his sharp prickly quills that they soon repented of their easy compliance, and entreated the […]
Aesop Fable – The Tortoise And The Two Ducks
Childrens Story – The Tortoise And The Two Ducks A Tortoise, becoming tired of her humble home, resolved to visit foreign lands, but she did not know which way to go. She repaired to two Ducks to show her the road, and they told her that the best way to travel was through the air. […]
Aesop Fable – The Bulls And The Frogs
Childrens Story – The Bulls And The Frogs Two Bulls lived in the same herd, and each aspiring to be the leader and master, they finally engaged in a fierce battle. An old Frog, who sat on the bank of a stream near by, began to groan and to quake with fear. A thoughtless young […]
Aesop Fable – The Trumpeter Taken Prisoner
Childrens Story – The Trumpeter Taken Prisoner A Trumpeter, bravely leading on the soldiers, was captured by the enemy. He cried out to his captors: “Pray spare me, and do not take my life without cause or without injury. I have not slain a single man of your troop. I have no arms, and carry […]
Aesop Fable – The Wolf And The Lion
Childrens Story – The Wolf And The Lion A Wolf, having stolen a lamb from a fold, was carrying him off to his lair. A Lion met him in the path, and, seizing the lamb, took it from him. The Wolf, standing at a safe distance, exclaimed: “You have unrighteously taken from me that which […]
Aesop Fable – The Sick Stag
Childrens Story – The Sick Stag A sick Stag lay down in a quiet corner of his pasture-ground. His companions came in great numbers to inquire after his health, and each one helped himself to a share of the food which had been placed for his use; so that he died, not from his sickness, […]
Aesop Fable – The Lark And Her Young Ones
Childrens Story – The Lark And Her Young Ones A Lark had made her nest in the young green wheat. The brood had almost grown, when the owner of the field, overlooking his crop, said: “I must send to all my neighbors to help me with my harvest.” One of the young Larks heard him, […]
Aesop Fable – The Thirsty Pigeon
Childrens Story – The Thirsty Pigeon A Pigeon, oppressed by excessive thirst, saw a goblet of water painted on a sign-board. Not supposing it to be only a picture, she flew toward it with a loud whirr, and unwittingly dashed against the sign-board and jarred herself terribly. Having broken her wings by the blow, she […]